And, as usual, lots of driving. But truthfully, the only bad one was Oakland to Valencia because the kids were asleep... nothing to entertain me. :-)
I think I'd like to come back to Vegas some day NOT during a hockey tournament. The landscape is kind of interesting and hey, I wouldn't mind throwing a few bucks into a slot machine. What the heck.
But for now, it's all about the kids.
Gabe is not playing, of course, but the games go on. His team tied their first game and got shut out of their second game. Today they'll have one more game before the seeding is determined.
Monica's team only lost their first game by one point and I hear it was a really good opponent and Grimm (our other goalie) was outstanding in net. Mon got to play the second game and it sounds like it was a doozy with missed calls, breakaways, and everything. We won 4-3. Yay! They also have one more game today to determine seeding.
Oh, Gabe is eating food now. Not like wolfing down anything he fancies, but it's still food (as opposed to milkshakes and pudding).
Okay, I'd better get ready for the day... TTYL!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Quick update... Gabe's home, not eating REAL food yet (eats top ramen, pudding, etc).
Between now and Monday will be lots of driving, hockey, homework, etc.
Will touch base with everyone on Monday (which is another busy day... work, school, sighing Gabe up at Berkeley City College and submitting his UC application(s).
Between now and Monday will be lots of driving, hockey, homework, etc.
Will touch base with everyone on Monday (which is another busy day... work, school, sighing Gabe up at Berkeley City College and submitting his UC application(s).
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Monica's First Enamel Project
Gabe (the one in the hospital) is doing better today. I'd like to thank everyone for their well wishes. For those who didn't hear, Gabe has a non-contagious condition following a mild case of pneumonia... it is called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (you can WIKI it if you wanna be grossed out) and ended up being WAY worse than the pneumonia.
But... he is starting to perk up today and he stopped taking the narcotics they were giving him for the pain.
So... after spending every day and night with Gabe since Tuesday, I gave Monica my full attention today. We went shopping (she needed required "tournament" clothes for next weekend) then ran into Michael's to finally get a shadowbox frame for my peacock.
We had a nice lunch at Fresh Choice then came home and I taught her what I learned last weekend about torch enamelling.
Here's her first (yeah, first!) project.
But... he is starting to perk up today and he stopped taking the narcotics they were giving him for the pain.
So... after spending every day and night with Gabe since Tuesday, I gave Monica my full attention today. We went shopping (she needed required "tournament" clothes for next weekend) then ran into Michael's to finally get a shadowbox frame for my peacock.
We had a nice lunch at Fresh Choice then came home and I taught her what I learned last weekend about torch enamelling.
Here's her first (yeah, first!) project.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Time Off
Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days... I'm at the hospital with a sick child. Hope to be back soon.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Great Day... and my first enamel pieces
Absolutely fabulous day!
Met Alex at B.A.B.E. at 10am, shopped/talked/met/drooled for hours, had lunch with Alex, shopped a bit more, went to “torch enameling” class (a half day class… WAY easier for me to handle than an all-day class), picked up Indian food, drove home, Sharks are on… but down 0-1, by the time I get into the apartment they’re up 2-1 (Yay!), walked Bear and now relaxing with a Cats 101 marathon.
Life is good.
The kitchen’s a mess, but I can deal with that tomorrow. :-P
If you want to see what I made in today’s class, go here.
Oh goodness… another “going to bed at 9pm” evening… sorry folks. Will have more energy tomorrow (and can show you some of the things I bought at B.A.B.E.).

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Met Alex at B.A.B.E. at 10am, shopped/talked/met/drooled for hours, had lunch with Alex, shopped a bit more, went to “torch enameling” class (a half day class… WAY easier for me to handle than an all-day class), picked up Indian food, drove home, Sharks are on… but down 0-1, by the time I get into the apartment they’re up 2-1 (Yay!), walked Bear and now relaxing with a Cats 101 marathon.
Life is good.
The kitchen’s a mess, but I can deal with that tomorrow. :-P
If you want to see what I made in today’s class, go here.
Oh goodness… another “going to bed at 9pm” evening… sorry folks. Will have more energy tomorrow (and can show you some of the things I bought at B.A.B.E.).
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
My First Torched Enamel Pieces
Had a fabulous class today. Torch Enameling by Steven James.
Here’s what I made in this half day class:

Considering this is the first time I've used enamels like this, I think the results are okay. This is a skill I plan to continue working on to improve. I really like it.
Learned a lot this weekend that will help me in my attempt to minimalize by studio set-up as well as continue in a greener direction with everything. I’ll touch on these things in future posts.
On Nov 13th's blog post, Melanie-Pearl commented: L.O.V.E. the colors! WOW!!!!!!!!!!! you know what's funny about that riveted jump ring---i just paid $100 for link-lock jump rings yesterday. i'm going to use them on some custom orders i'm putting together. i figured the expense was worth it because i don't won't to be repairing these orders for life. (they have enamelling on them so i don't want to solder them shut.) i can hardly imagine setting a hundred tiny rivets in tiny jump rings. did you need a microscope? :)
Ha! Thanks for the compliment, Melanie. I, too, love the colors, but I don’t think I can sell any of these creations until I do a LOT of testing… the first thing we were told in class is that these colors are temporary. Hmph! They won’t FADE, but they will eventually WEAR. I want to define “eventually” a little more… and I want to test out a variety of coatings in an attempt to make the longevity of the jewelry a bit more.
Wow… that’s a lot of link-locks you bought, but they sure look like they’d come in handy. I hope you bought them at somewhere like OttoFrei ‘cause I just saw some somewhere else for $4.55 each. Eek!
Too funny about the microscope. :-) It wasn’t as dreadful to do as it looks. The jumpring is actually 19mm, so it’s pretty big. I might try making a few for a more industrial-type necklace. We’ll see.
BTW, I love the rings in your blog today. You rock!
Here’s what I made in this half day class:
Considering this is the first time I've used enamels like this, I think the results are okay. This is a skill I plan to continue working on to improve. I really like it.
Learned a lot this weekend that will help me in my attempt to minimalize by studio set-up as well as continue in a greener direction with everything. I’ll touch on these things in future posts.
On Nov 13th's blog post, Melanie-Pearl commented: L.O.V.E. the colors! WOW!!!!!!!!!!! you know what's funny about that riveted jump ring---i just paid $100 for link-lock jump rings yesterday. i'm going to use them on some custom orders i'm putting together. i figured the expense was worth it because i don't won't to be repairing these orders for life. (they have enamelling on them so i don't want to solder them shut.) i can hardly imagine setting a hundred tiny rivets in tiny jump rings. did you need a microscope? :)
Ha! Thanks for the compliment, Melanie. I, too, love the colors, but I don’t think I can sell any of these creations until I do a LOT of testing… the first thing we were told in class is that these colors are temporary. Hmph! They won’t FADE, but they will eventually WEAR. I want to define “eventually” a little more… and I want to test out a variety of coatings in an attempt to make the longevity of the jewelry a bit more.
Wow… that’s a lot of link-locks you bought, but they sure look like they’d come in handy. I hope you bought them at somewhere like OttoFrei ‘cause I just saw some somewhere else for $4.55 each. Eek!
Too funny about the microscope. :-) It wasn’t as dreadful to do as it looks. The jumpring is actually 19mm, so it’s pretty big. I might try making a few for a more industrial-type necklace. We’ll see.
BTW, I love the rings in your blog today. You rock!
Friday, November 13, 2009
My First B.A.B.E Class 2009
B.A.B.E (continued)
Had a “Color and Patina” class at B.A.B.E. today. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but it was really cool and I learned a lot. (Okay, I thought, y’know… patinas… as in liver of sulfur and stuff like that… heh.)
If you want to see what I made, go to Going Green Jewelry.
Aside from color, I made a ball headpin and a cold-riveted jumpring (which I liked so much I’m using it as a pinky ring!).
The two instructors, Anne Mitchell and Gail Moore, are really nice.
Okay, pathetic time…. It’s 8:30pm and I’m crawling into bed now. I’ll write more tomorrow… just SOOOO tired right now.
Had a “Color and Patina” class at B.A.B.E. today. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but it was really cool and I learned a lot. (Okay, I thought, y’know… patinas… as in liver of sulfur and stuff like that… heh.)
If you want to see what I made, go to Going Green Jewelry.
Aside from color, I made a ball headpin and a cold-riveted jumpring (which I liked so much I’m using it as a pinky ring!).
The two instructors, Anne Mitchell and Gail Moore, are really nice.
Okay, pathetic time…. It’s 8:30pm and I’m crawling into bed now. I’ll write more tomorrow… just SOOOO tired right now.
What I made in color and patina class
Had a “Color and Patina” class at B.A.B.E. today. Here’s what I made…

That last thing is a cold-riveted jumpring (which I liked so much I’m using it as a pinky ring!).
Tomorrow is torch enameling.
I have more to talk about regarding green and stuff… but right now I’m exhausted and heading to bed.
That last thing is a cold-riveted jumpring (which I liked so much I’m using it as a pinky ring!).
Tomorrow is torch enameling.
I have more to talk about regarding green and stuff… but right now I’m exhausted and heading to bed.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
New Jewelry, Necklace Project, B.A.B.E.
Going to BABE (Bay Area Bead Extravaganza) this weekend…. Starting tomorrow, with a class on color and patina. Have a shorter class on Saturday on… um… oh yeah, torch enameling. Will spend some time Saturday morning wandering around the bead show with Alex. I may go back Sunday if I don’t get a chance to see everything (or everything I want to see) on Saturday.
Since I’m not buying BEADS for jewelry making this year, the only things I can buy at BABE will be tools, findings, spacer beads, and focals for my own personal use.
In light of that, I think I should get started on… MY NECKLACE.
What is “my necklace”? Over the years, I’ve collected some really neat Lampwork beads… ones I wanted to keep for myself, rather than use in jewelry I sell. But… it seemed a shame to keep these fabulous beads stuck in a box or a drawer and I didn’t feel much differently about putting them on display somehow in my house/apt… I mean, c’mon, how many people come over? Ha ha ha!
So… I thought I’d make them all into a necklace. Yeah, I know it won’t like MATCH or anything, but it would make ME feel good to have all those beauties around me. I mean, afterall, what’s the point of collecting something unless the object(s) brings you happiness.
So I’m thinking of wire-wrapping with heavy gauge sterling, just one bead after another. I may alternate large beads and smaller beads, but that’s probably it for variation or pattern.
Here’s what’s left of the new listings (sorry I was late in posting them here)…

Got some copper rings in the mail today (thanks, Karen!) for a project that a handful of LE’ers are participating in. Don’t have a clue yet what I want to make… maybe I can put some thought to that tomorrow.
I’m watching a documentary at the moment about the 2012 predictions. I don’t personally believe anything too significant will happen then but it’s interesting to hear all the science and history that marks the occasion.
The Sharks are on in half an hour. They play Dallas. Hope it’s as good a game as the last one we watched (and how fabulous that Mon, Gabe and I all got to be together to watch that last game!). A co-worker is going to tonight’s game… it’s her first hockey game ever. :-)
At nine is Supernatural.
Anyway, I’d better go now. Want to straighten up the apartment a little so it’s clean during the weekend.
Before I go… I just wanted to show you what I think of as fabulous precision (and awesome beauty)…
Gina beads!

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see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Going to BABE (Bay Area Bead Extravaganza) this weekend…. Starting tomorrow, with a class on color and patina. Have a shorter class on Saturday on… um… oh yeah, torch enameling. Will spend some time Saturday morning wandering around the bead show with Alex. I may go back Sunday if I don’t get a chance to see everything (or everything I want to see) on Saturday.
Since I’m not buying BEADS for jewelry making this year, the only things I can buy at BABE will be tools, findings, spacer beads, and focals for my own personal use.
In light of that, I think I should get started on… MY NECKLACE.
What is “my necklace”? Over the years, I’ve collected some really neat Lampwork beads… ones I wanted to keep for myself, rather than use in jewelry I sell. But… it seemed a shame to keep these fabulous beads stuck in a box or a drawer and I didn’t feel much differently about putting them on display somehow in my house/apt… I mean, c’mon, how many people come over? Ha ha ha!
So… I thought I’d make them all into a necklace. Yeah, I know it won’t like MATCH or anything, but it would make ME feel good to have all those beauties around me. I mean, afterall, what’s the point of collecting something unless the object(s) brings you happiness.
So I’m thinking of wire-wrapping with heavy gauge sterling, just one bead after another. I may alternate large beads and smaller beads, but that’s probably it for variation or pattern.
Here’s what’s left of the new listings (sorry I was late in posting them here)…
Got some copper rings in the mail today (thanks, Karen!) for a project that a handful of LE’ers are participating in. Don’t have a clue yet what I want to make… maybe I can put some thought to that tomorrow.
I’m watching a documentary at the moment about the 2012 predictions. I don’t personally believe anything too significant will happen then but it’s interesting to hear all the science and history that marks the occasion.
The Sharks are on in half an hour. They play Dallas. Hope it’s as good a game as the last one we watched (and how fabulous that Mon, Gabe and I all got to be together to watch that last game!). A co-worker is going to tonight’s game… it’s her first hockey game ever. :-)
At nine is Supernatural.
Anyway, I’d better go now. Want to straighten up the apartment a little so it’s clean during the weekend.
Before I go… I just wanted to show you what I think of as fabulous precision (and awesome beauty)…
Gina beads!
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see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Spending Time, and Some New Jewelry Listings
I might try taking the laptop to practice tonight so I can finish listing. No listing time!
Unless I have enough time between work and leaving the house to organize the supplies needed to make something for the raffle/auction for this Saturday… then I could do that.
I got three bracelets listed yesterday (I think it was yesterday).
(Click a pick for more info)

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see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

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I might try taking the laptop to practice tonight so I can finish listing. No listing time!
Unless I have enough time between work and leaving the house to organize the supplies needed to make something for the raffle/auction for this Saturday… then I could do that.
I got three bracelets listed yesterday (I think it was yesterday).
(Click a pick for more info)
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see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more dog and puppy pictures
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Movies and a Sneak Peek at Upcoming Jewelry
Watched an odd movie last night… The Lady in the Water.
Watched a riveting documentary today. Little Man.
This baby was less than one pound (less than 500 grams) when he came out of a human and into the world. Honestly, it is like this fetus (removed from the mother’s uterus 3½ months early due to the mother’s health) had his pregnancy outside of the womb.
This is a movie filled with moral questions for the viewer to muse upon.
Took photos. Miss my wrist model… but I think this week’s bracelets are pretty large and those always end up looking funny on Monica… her wrists are so small. Not, however, small enough to model the very small bracelet I made this week.
Not yet photographed (because I’m still putting the finishing touches on) is a very strange (IMO) necklace… an odd assortment of beads including Hematite, Shell Pearl, Lampwork, Pyrite, Agate, oxidized copper and oxidized silver.
Anyway, here’s a sneak preview of this week’s listings…
My first pure silver ring (and it’s gonna be really inexpensive!)…

I love this copper and Lampwork necklace…

This was a quiet and productive weekend. I got to see Monica play one game (they won), but otherwise I stayed here… organized and made jewelry.
Also, like I said, watched some tv (a rarity for me). Watched some good documentaries… I love documentaries. If I could only have one channel, I’d have Discovery Channel. I also watched some schlock tv (while I was organizing), like The Mummy 2 (or whatever it’s called).

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Watched an odd movie last night… The Lady in the Water.
Watched a riveting documentary today. Little Man.
This baby was less than one pound (less than 500 grams) when he came out of a human and into the world. Honestly, it is like this fetus (removed from the mother’s uterus 3½ months early due to the mother’s health) had his pregnancy outside of the womb.
This is a movie filled with moral questions for the viewer to muse upon.
Took photos. Miss my wrist model… but I think this week’s bracelets are pretty large and those always end up looking funny on Monica… her wrists are so small. Not, however, small enough to model the very small bracelet I made this week.
Not yet photographed (because I’m still putting the finishing touches on) is a very strange (IMO) necklace… an odd assortment of beads including Hematite, Shell Pearl, Lampwork, Pyrite, Agate, oxidized copper and oxidized silver.
Anyway, here’s a sneak preview of this week’s listings…
My first pure silver ring (and it’s gonna be really inexpensive!)…
I love this copper and Lampwork necklace…
This was a quiet and productive weekend. I got to see Monica play one game (they won), but otherwise I stayed here… organized and made jewelry.
Also, like I said, watched some tv (a rarity for me). Watched some good documentaries… I love documentaries. If I could only have one channel, I’d have Discovery Channel. I also watched some schlock tv (while I was organizing), like The Mummy 2 (or whatever it’s called).
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see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
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