My Life
Well, I was and am probably going to continue to be pretty
scarce in August. I spent the first half
taking care of a sick child. I’ll be
spending the second half helping that same child get ready to leave for college
(clear across the other side of this nation).
Aside from that, I’ve been spending a lot of time working on
the SRAJD organization.
My Work
Made a necklace I really love (and got to incorporate one of
the Viking knit chains I made months ago).
It’s a double-sided hollow pendant (copper and steel) with minimalist
lines on one side and a Zen symbol (Ensō) on the other.
I also made a couple pieces for the Project Runway challenge
we’re running on the SRAJD blog.
Promoting Your Etsy Store
How many of us are taking advantage of all the ways we can
engage our customers?
There are a few different places on Etsy where we can get
messages and information to our customers and/or other interested parties.
1) The first is the little message (aka “Shop Announcement” )
on your shop’s home page right under your Etsy shop logo and above your items
for sale.
To add to or edit that part of your shop, go
to “Info and Appearance” either by hovering on “Your Shop” (upper right) which
brings up this pop-up menu.
Or CLICK on “Your Shop” (upper right) and select “Info and
Appearance” from the menu on the left.
On this same page (Info and Appearance), you can link your
Facebook page and/or Twitter account to your Etsy shop. These are nice because every time you list a
new item in your Etsy store, you will see a pop-up asking if you want Etsy to
post to your FB or Twitter account (on your behalf) with the new listing. For me, that is a time saver.
Scroll down and you’ll see you can also add a personalized
message to buyers.
2) Then people can also click on your name under Shop Owner
and they get to read all about you (or whatever you’ve given Etsy to put in
that area).
This section is called your
public profile. To add or edit your
profile, click on your name under Shop Owner and you’ll see your profile. In the upper right of your profile is an “edit
profile” button.
This is also where you can change your
Profile avatar photo should you want to do that.
Now let’s go back to the “Info and Appearance section (see
paragraph #1).
See the tabs at the top, you want to take advantage of both
the ABOUT tab and the POLICIES tab.
3) On the ABOUT tab, you can say and show even more to your
potential customers. Add a photo of
yourself with info about your role and a brief statement about you and/or your
Then you have a much more involved “Shop Story”
section. “Shop “Photos”, and “Shop Links”.
4) In the “Policies” tab, you have more opportunity to fine
tune your shop with all kinds of personalized messages and info.
Take advantage of this stuff. It means something to your customers.
Something That May Be Helpful
I haven’t looked into too many of these, but I thought it
was a great idea for a website so I book marked it. This place tells you what types of glue to
use to attach things various things. You
just select the two things you want to attach.
For example Leather to Metal, and the program tells you your best option
along with other helpful info.
Totally Unrelated
Here’s an online hearing test. Fun… if you’re brave enough.